Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Time To Kill

I just recently saw the 1996 film A Time To Kill. I know its a movie but it broke my heart to feel the pain of someone like that little black girl in the movie who gets raped by 2 drunken white men at the age of 10. I don't think I even knew what the difference between a man and woman was when I was 10. I can't even imagine what kind of an emotionally disturbing and permanently damaging experience it must be. I hope no little girl in this world would EVER have to cope with something as disgusting as that.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Shenandoah Teen Killings

3 white teens in Shenandoah beat an illegal mexican immigrant, Luis Eduardo Ramirez Zavala, to his death. How could anyone get so outta control that they muder another person. Rage to that extent is just unacceptable. I don't understand how people can harm someone else simply because they are a different color than them. You can read the rest of the story here:

I hope Luis's family can find the strength and courage to get through an unfortunate time like this.

Stampede in India

My prayers today for all the 150+ people that were killed in the tragic stampede at a North Indian temple this past weekend. Its probably one place in the world you would not expect to see such a disaster. I hope their families can find the strength to cope with this and continue to have faith in God.